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    SDS-PAGE Product.


    SDS-PAGE Product.

    Chembio® ECL Plus Solution

    Brand Chembio
    Cat No. CBES-0400

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    Chembio® ECL Plus Solution



    The Chembio ECL Plus Solution, as a luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescent substrate, is sensitive and compatible with conducting immunoblots with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) – conjugated secondary antibodies. The low picogram or high femtogram detection of antigen is enabled by Chembio ECL Plus Substrate’s excellent sensitivity and long signal duration. Further, its long chemiluminescent signal duration makes both digital and film-based imaging possible without any loss of the signal. Appropriate primary and secondary antibody dilutions are suggested for attaining optimal signal intensity and duration. Further, its long chemiluminescent signal duration makes both digital and film-based imaging possible without any loss of the signal. Appropriate primary and secondary antibody dilutions are suggested for attaining optimal signal intensity and duration.

    - No optimization required.
      : Switching to the Chembio ECL Plus Substrate from other brands, such as Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Pico Plus and Bio-Rad™ Clarity™, does not require optimization or protocol changes.

    - High degree of sensitivity and enhanced chemiluminescence duration.
      : Chembio ECL Plus Substrate enables an accurate low picogram or high femtogram detection of protein on the same immunoblot after a single exposure.

    - Optimized for use with PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes.

    - Compatible with Western Blotting Markers.

    - Optimized for film and CCD-based imaging.

    Instrument Compatibility 

    This western substrate is compatible with the majority of commercially available Chemiluminescence and X-ray Imaging System.

    Reacton Setup

    1. Keep the membrane moist in the wash buffer while preparing the substrate mixture. Please ensure the membrane does not dry out during the subsequent steps.

    2. Mix Luminol solution and Peroxide Solution in a 1:1 ratio, and thoroughly agitate the chemiluminescent substrate solution well for preparing the 0.1 ml of solution / cm2 of membrane.

    - For a mini-sized membrane (7 x 8.5 cm), 4 ml of solution is sufficient.

    - For a midi-sized membrane (8.5 x 13.5 cm), 10 ml of solution is sufficient.

    3. Place the membrane with the protein side up on a clear and level surface or in a clean container.

    4. Remove the membrane from the chemiluminescent substrate solution and drain off excessive solution.

    5. Place the membrane in a plastic sheet protector or in plastic wrap to prevent the membrane from drying.

    6. Image the membrane with a digital imager or by exposing to the X-ray film.

    Ordering Information 

    Cat No.Product                                          Volume
    CBES-0400Chembio ECL Plus Solution         200mL x 2