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    PCR Product.


    PCR Product.

    Chembio® Premix plus dye Taq Polymerase

    Brand Chembio
    Cat No. CBTQ-2000

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    Chembio® Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye)


    The Chembio® Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye Mix, 2x) offers a single-step procedure for performing PCR reactions followed by analysis on agarose gels without the addition of loading buffer. All components for assembly and performance of PCR reactions are included. The users supplies primer and template DNA. 

    The enzyme has no detectable 3'→5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity. One unit of activity incorporates 10 nmoles of dNTP into acid-insoluble DNA in 30 minutes at 72℃. 

    Good performance of DNA amplification by PCR was confirmed λDNA & genomic DNA as the template. 

    : λDNA amplification fragment ~8kb

    : human genomic DNA amplification fragment ~4kb


    • Chembio® Taq : 2.5 units/50μl reaction

    • dNTP Mixture : 2x Conc. each 0.4mM

    • PCR Buffer : 2x Conc.


    • Amplify DNA templates with high sensitivity

    • Amplify single-copy and low abundance templates

    • Nuclease-free, high purity reagents

    Ordering Information

    Cat. No.ProductSize
    CBTQ-2000-3000Chembio® Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye)3000 Unit
     Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye) 0.5ml x6 
     6x Gel Loading Buffer 1ml 
    CBTQ-2000-5000Chembio® Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye)5000 Unit
     Premix Taq Polymerase (plus Dye) 0.5ml x10 
     6x Gel Loading Buffer 1ml