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    PCR Product.


    PCR Product.

    Chembio® PRIME Taq Polymerase

    Brand Chembio
    Cat No. CBTQ-1100

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    Chembio® PRIME Taq Polymerase


    The Chembio® PRIME Taq Polymerase is a high fidelity thermostable enzyme blend optimized to generate high product yields and purity. This polymerase blend includes 3' to 5' proofreading activity for accurate template replication. 

    It is recommended for amplification of critical templates comtaining GC-rich regions, palindromes, or multiple repeats.

    The Chembio® PRIME Taq Polymerase exhibits wide tolerance for Mg​2+​ and salt concentrations, making it excellent for multiplex amplifications. A mixture of blunt end and 3'dA overhang amplification products are generated.

    The Chembio® PRIME Taq Polymerase kit with Taq DNA Polymerase includes separated solutions of all material needed for a PCR reaction, including dNTPs, Reaction Buffer and 6x Gel Loading Buffer.

    Good performance of DNA amplification by PCR was confirmed λDNA & genomic DNA as the template.

    : λDNA amplification fragment ~20kb

    : human genomic DNA amplification fragment ~15.5kb


    • Superior yields and purity

    • Ideal for amplification of long templates

    • Excellent for hard-to-copy templates

    • Amplified products include a mixture of blunt ends and 3'dA overhangs

    • Wide tolerance for Mg​2+​, salt concentration, pH and template contaminants

    Ordering Information

    Cat. No.ProductSize
    CBTQ-1100-250Chembio® PRIME Taq DNA polymerase250 Unit
     PRIME Taq DNA polymerase 250 Unit (5U/μl) 
     10x PRIME Taq Buffer 800μl 
     2.5mM dNTPs 600μl 
     6x Gel Loading Buffer 1ml 
    CBTQ-1100-500Chembio® PRIME Taq DNA polymerase500 Unit
     PRIME Taq DNA polymerase 500 Unit (5U/μl) 
     10x PRIME Taq Buffer 1.2ml 
     2.5mM dNTPs 900μl 
     6x Gel Loading Buffer 1ml 
    CBTQ-1100-BChembio® Taq DNA polymerase, BulkInquire