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    Safe-detect Product.


    Safe-detect Product.

    Chembio® Safe-Detect Sens (x20,000)

    Brand Chembio
    Cat No. CBSN-2002
    Cat No. CBSN-1001

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    Chembio® Safe-Detect : Safe and Sensitive nucleic acid gel stains 


    Ethidiumbromide (EtBr) is most commonly used nucleic acid stain in molecular biology laboratories.

    EtBr has been proved to be strong carcinogen and therefore considered hazardous for laboratory personnel and environment.

    Chembio® Safe-Detect(x20,000, in water) is a non-carcinogenic and non-toxic alternative to EtBr used for the detection of nucleic acids in agarose gels. It is as sensitive as EtBr. Chembio® Safe-Detect has fluorescence excitation maximum at 295nm and 490nm.

    The fluorescence emission is similar to EtBr when bound to DNA at 530nm. 


    •Non-mutagenic, environmentally friendly alternative

    •Can be used for double or single strand DNA and RNA 

    •Sensitivity : 1-5ng

    •Simply use UV trans-illuminator without any filter, or detect bands under UV illumination when yellow or green gelatin or cellophane filters (No Red Filter)

    •More sensitive than compatible product

    •Store at -20℃ : Can be stored at room temperature for a short period (3 month) 

    Ordering Information

    Cat. No.ProductSize
    CBSN-2002-500Safe-detect Sens500ul
    CBSN-2002-1000x51ml x 5
    CBSN-1001-1000x51ml x 5